Training Director- Eric "Mac" Mackinzie

Eric "Mac" Mackinzie is a proud U.S. Marine Corps veteran and an experienced Instructor and Personal Protection Specialist with over 25 years of experience. International and domestic experience on various protective security details as a detail member and or detail leader. Fluent level 3 Spanish speaker capable of reading, writing, and instructing in Spanish. Instructor and management experience training hundreds of personnel from various military, security, government and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Employed with Triple Canopy from 2005 to 2015 with 4 of those years in the Middle East as a high threat protection specialist with the Department of State and 6 years with the training division at the Joint Emergency Service Training Center and ACADEMI.
Mac is also on the ERG (Emergency Response Group) leadership team that is responsible for the safety of the entire church congregation at Family Fellowship in Greenville, Texas. Along with a volunteer staff of over 48 personnel, his team is responsible for training, supervising, and protecting all attendees during events and services.
Who is Triple Canopy?
Triple Canopy, Inc., is a private security company that provides integrated security, mission support, and risk management services to corporate, government, and non-profit clients including the Department of State High Threat Protection Division through the World Personal Protection Services program with most of there services in the Middle East. The firm was founded in May 2003 by veteran U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers, including former Delta Operators. In June 2014 the firm merged with rival security contracting firm, Academi, formerly Blackwater, thus forming the new company Constellis Group. The training facilities are to be consolidated at the existing Academi training facility in North Carolina. It was staffed by, among others, a number of former Army Special Operations personnel, Special Forces Soldiers, Rangers, SEALs, MARSOC Critical Skills Operators, other special operations personnel, and a select few law enforcement officers.
Special Training & Qualifications for Eric "Mac" Mackinzie
Texas DPS School Safety Instructor Certification Course
Texas Commission of PSB Level 2, 3 & Personal Protection Officer Certification
Texas DPS CHL Instructor Certification
WPS DOS BFOC Train the Trainer Instructor Course Recertification, Triple Canopy, Inc
WPPS DOS DSTC Defensive Tactics and Room Entry Techniques
WPPS DOS Certification M-4, G-19, 870, M-240, M-249 & M203, Triple Canopy, Inc
WPPS DOS BFOC Train the Trainer Instructor Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
WPPS DOS Train the Trainer Instructor Certification Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
WPPS DOS Personal Protective Services Certification Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
Motorcade Defensive Driving Course, Bill Scott Racing
California Carry Concealed Certification Course, Riverside County Sheriff
Protective Specialist Security & Selection Course, Triple Canopy, Inc
Defensive Driving Course, Beaver Run Racing School
Level 4 Hand Gun & Advanced Weapons Skills, Direct Action Group
Instructor Course for Immediate Contact, Force on Force, Direct Action Group
Instructor Course for Overseas Operator, Direct Action Group
High-Risk Warrant, CQB & Entry Course, Tactical Explosive Entry School
Instructor Development Weapons Course, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Explosive Handlers & Entry Course, Tactical Explosive Entry School
Firearms Initial Qualification Course, Bureau of Security Services
PR 24 Baton Basic & Advanced Course, Bureau of Security Services
Powers to Arrest & Lethal Use of Force, Bureau of Security Services
Two Man Team Tactics, Tactical Firearms Training Team
VIP Protection Course Level 1 & 2, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Combat Shotgun & Optical Rifle, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Advanced Weapons Skills & Tactical Rifle, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Level 1,2,3 Handgun, Tactical Firearms Training Team
Glock Armors School, Glock, Inc
U.S. Army Airborne School, U.S. Army
USMC & USMCR Veteran 1st & 3rd ANGLICO 1988-1996
Instructor- Michael "Oki" Ford

Mike Ford is a Master Level Peace Officer, Licensed Nurse, and an Army Veteran. He is also an experienced instructor with a particular knack for patience and ability to alter his teaching techniques to accommodate even the most novice of shooters. Ford has experience as a SWAT team operator and Commander, Personal Protection Officer, and was a member/lead instructor of a military training cadre team. He has experience teaching a range of disciplines to include firearms and numerous less lethal force options. During his career, Ford has had the privilege of training people of varying backgrounds and experience levels to include military, law enforcement, security personnel, and responsible civilians.
Special Training & Qualifications for Michael "Oki" Ford
ALERRT Terrorism Response Tactics - Active Shooter Level II, Aug 2015
Safariland Training Group Specialty Impact Munitions Instructor Re-certification, Apr 2015
Texas Private Security Bureau Level 2,3 & Personal Protection Officer Certification, Sep 2013
Dive Rescue International Search and Recovery Rescue Diver Level I, Sep 2011
ALERRT Rapid Response to Active Shooter Level I, Mar 2010
TASER Instructor Course, Oct 2009
McKinney PD Basic SWAT Operator Course, Apr 2009
TCLEOSE Firearms Instructor, Mar 2009
Safariland Training Group Specialty Impact Munitions Instructor, Feb 2009
Safariland Training Group Chemical Munitions Instructor, Feb 2009
Safariland Training Group Diversionary Device/Flash Bang Instructor, Feb 2009
Safariland Training Group OC Spray Instructor, Feb 2009
TCLEOSE Basic Instructor, Aug 2008
SigSauer Pistol Armorer, Aug 2008
Colt AR-15, M16, M4, 9mm Sub-Machine Gun Armorer, Apr 2008
Law Enforcement Field Training Officer, Feb 2008
Conroe PD/FBI/TTPOA Basic SWAT Operator Course, Nov 2006
U.S. ARMY Combat Lifesaver Course, Aug 2000